All the beads I use are ORIGINAL as stated NOT copies, many are well over 2000 years old, which gives rise to the question I am most often asked, which is this :

‘How is it possible that beads of this age are available for sale, and are not in Museums’

The answer is that there are more beads being found on archaeological sites than museums want for their collections, museums want the ‘unusual and perfect’ all the other beads are sold to private collectors.

When I am making the necklaces I get a feeling of excitement and awe. I want them to be wearable and contemporary, but at the same time be in sympathy with the age and history of the beads, most of which have probably not been worn for thousands of years.

If you want any further information, or to purchase, please contact me using the ‘contact’ box on each page or at the address below.

Sue Schwartz
Coryton, Okehampton
EX20 4AB


As I only sell the small but exclusive range of jewellery that I make myself, it is not  economical for me to provide online  card payment facilities as you may expect to find on many online retail stores, but I do have PAYPAL facilities if wanted.

Please contact me through the ‘ Contact’ email box  leaving only your preferred method for me to contact you.



        Ancient bead jewellery
